The advantages of the CrMS are numerous. First of all, it is safe! There are no known medical side effects associated with its use. It is inexpensive! The cost of FertilityCare™ services is considerably less than that of contraceptives. It is highly reliable and it is natural. The CrMS cooperates with the couple’s own natural fertility process.
Another important advantage to the system is that it is a shared method of fertility regulation. The responsibility for its use is placed equally upon both spouses. To use this system successfully, it is necessary to make accurate observations and to chart them correctly. In addition, one must follow the instructions of the system which depend upon the couple’s decision to either achieve or avoid pregnancy. Also, the couple should be mutually motivated in its use and enter into it with a loving and cooperative spirit.
As the couple learns more about their natural phases of fertility and infertility, they will begin to realize how important and vital these gifts really are. Unlike contraceptives, the CrMS treats fertility as a normal and healthy process. It does not treat fertility as a disease! The challenge to live in harmony with one’s fertility it often one of the most exciting and meaningful aspects in the use of this system. Most couples find that the love and respect each holds for the other grows as their understanding and appreciation of their fertility increases. It is a system that it firmly based in a respect for human life, human dignity and the integrity of marriage. Indeed, it is the couples who use this system and their families that benefit from this experience.