Ask yourself the following questions and if the answer to any of these questions is “Yes!” then you should seriously consider looking up one of the affiliated centers of FertilityCare™ Centers of America and learning the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System.
- Do you want to know more about how your menstrual cycle works?
- Are you tired of taking birth control pills, using condoms, using gels or diaphragms?
- Are you looking for something to manage your fertility that is entirely natural?
- Are you tired of having the birth control pill recommended for the treatment of nearly every woman’s health problem?
- Are you interested in a family planning system that also allows you to monitor and maintain your health?
- Are you looking for a family planning system that is completely safe and has no medical side effects?
- Are you looking for a family planning method where surveys have shown a high level of couple satisfaction?
- Are you looking for a solution to a reproductive problem? Infertility? Miscarriage? Stillbirth? Prematurity?
- Are you looking for a solution to premenstrual syndrome? Recurrent Ovarian Cysts? Abnormal bleeding?
- Would you like a family planning system that actually helps bond your marriage? Where both the the man and the woman work together?
- Are you looking for a system of family planning that is morally acceptable to you and your spouse?
If your answer was “YES!” to any of the above questions, then you should seriously consider contacting an affiliated center of FertilityCare™ Centers of America.
To locate a FertilityCare™ Center in your area, please go to www.fertilitycare.org for a complete lising of Centers located in the United States and Canada or write to:
FertilityCare™ Center of Omaha
6901 Mercy Rd.
Omaha, NE 68106